Sudden’s Give Appeal

Social Media Campaign Toolkit 

This toolkit will help supporters, peer organisations, agencies and other charities to help spread awareness of the campaign across social media with some prepared imagery and guidance. 

If you have any questions, please do contact:

What is the campaign purpose?

Sudden’s Give is a coordinated social media campaign to promote the Sudden service and encourage people to donate to help raise the £1 million needed to run the service every year.

Key campaign message

500,000 people are suffering sudden and shocking bereavement from COVID-19, suicide and other unexpected causes this year, causing devastation, financial hardship and isolation. Sudden’s bereavement service is a vital lifeline from day one.

When does it launch?

Thursday 12 November, 2020. We have created a dedicated donation page so we can track campaign engagement, please only use this link to prompt for support

What is the Sudden service and how do they help?

Sudden is a charitable service providing help from day one onwards to people bereaved by an unexpected and often horrifying and sudden death, due to COVID-19, suicide, natural disaster, war, terrorism, an incident at work or outdoors, or any other cause.

The service aims to protect people’s safety and wellbeing during their darkest hours; at a time of shock, turmoil, distress and personal disaster.

Suddenly-bereaved people are assigned a dedicated Sudden caseworker, who helps down the line (by phone and other virtual means due to the pandemic), for up to ten weeks. Bereaved people often reach the Sudden service through referrals from hospitals, GPs and police; and can also contact Sudden directly for free by calling 0800 2600 400 or via our website

Sudden caseworkers provide emotional support and aim to meet bereaved people’s practical, social and health needs, often seeking out and delivering care in partnership with multiple community agencies. Caseworkers often seek out care that is urgently needed due to a pre-existing or emerging acute problem, for example relating to a bereaved person’s age, illness, disability, poverty, lack of housing, or other risk factor, such as English as a second or other language. Caseworkers also help identify arising symptoms of mental health conditions, including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and seek appropriate and timely mental health assessment and treatment.

Sudden is not-for-profit and hosted by the charity Brake, which has a wealth of expertise in supporting people bereaved in shocking and distressing circumstances from day one onwards. Brake’s acclaimed and accredited National Road Victim Service helps thousands of people bereaved and injured by road crashes. It was set up in 1995 by Chief Executive Mary Williams OBE.

The Sudden service was launched in July 2020 after being awarded vital pandemic funding from the Government, the National Lottery Community Fund and Barclays, in recognition of Brake’s expertise in provision of early intervention care for people bereaved in unexpected and horrific circumstances.

How can you help?

First, make sure you are connected to our social media channels:


  1. Download the campaign social media ready images from Dropbox use one of the suggested posts below as a steer, or write your own
  2. Take a photo of your hand with the name of someone who has died suddenly and share on social media
  3. Add the #SuddenGive hashtag to your social media posts, and engage with us via your personal or business accounts
  4. Don’t forget to include a link to the dedicated donation page
  5. Follow, like, share, comment on any posts you spot on our social media channels – keep using the campaign hashtag #SuddenGive

Social content text ideas

Generic (short enough for Twitter)

I’ve just donated £5 to keep this vital service going. @Sudden_Charity is a service for people who have been bereaved by a sudden death. Donate here: #SuddenGive

Specific, sharing your personal story

I lost my brother to suicide 5 years ago, I wish the Sudden [@ mention Sudden depending on which social channel you are posting on] service was available then to help me and my family.  I’m happy to donate £5 to help others who experience the sudden death of someone they love dearly. Donate here: #SuddenGive


I lost my father to Covid this year, being in lockdown has made things all the more harder both emotionally and practically. Sudden [@ mention Sudden depending on which social channel you are posting on] provides support on every level and is a vital service. I’m happy to donate £5 to help others who experience the sudden death of someone they love dearly. Donate here: #SuddenGive

Say their names.
Share a message, or your own, and a photo of your hand bearing the name of someone who you have lost.


Don’t forget

Please do follow, like, share, comment on any posts you spot on our social media channels – keep using the campaign hashtag #SuddenGive

Mention Sudden in your posts:

  • Twitter – @sudden_charity
  • Facebook – @SuddenBereavementCharity
  • LinkedIn – @sudden-bereavement-support


You view and download campaign imagery here on Dropbox

If you experience any issues accessing these images, please do email Debbie or Jason directly (contact details above).


– Instagram and Facebook

Sudden isn’t on Instagram, but please do share here too – we will be able to track via the hashtag #SuddenGive when added to grid post captions or Stories

Two choices for grid – add a photo of your hand to a second image following this image (carousel/multi image style)

Story – add a photo of your hand to a second story following this image

– Twitter and LinkedIn (will also work on Facebook)