Bereavement Policy for Schools

Our new bereavement policy aims to help schools provide the best support to pupils dealing with the unexpected death of a loved one.
Sudden, a charitable service which offers emotional and practical support to people bereaved unexpectedly, has produced the resource based on its learnings from working with children and young people during the pandemic, in conjunction with clinical psychologist Dr Laura Williams.
The policy aims to help schools support the emotional and physical wellbeing of suddenly bereaved pupils and their families, from the early days of an unexpected bereavement onward. It covers suggested procedures to enable schools to communicate and support pupils, and their families, before and after a child’s return to the classroom.
The document offers practical advice for schools, such as establishing a core group of staff responsible for communication with the family, suggestions around when and how to inform other pupils, and signposting appropriate training for teachers.
Free Template Downloads
We have provided two templates that you can download for use in your school.
- PDF format, where you can simply print off and add your school contact details
- Microsoft Word format, which you can customise for use
Click on the appropriate button below to download your preferred format.